Materials Innovations
Hexa Publishers


Vol 2 Issue 3 (Special Issue)

Bottom-up and Top-down Strategies for Fabrication of Silicon Nanowires

Ayse Nur Celik, Bilge Tuncel, Nardin Avishan,Syed Nasir Shah,Naveed Hussain

Pages: 69-82

  Doi:  10.54738/MI.2022.2302

  Doi URL:

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Silicon (Si) is an important technological material with widespread applications, especially in electronics and . Due to its specific and low light absorption coefficient, the efficiency of Si-based and solar cells is not sufficient for growing industrial needs. By patterning Si into structures, not only the light-trapping efficiency of the Si can be increased for solar cell and applications, but the process also imparts other functionalities to suitable for applications such as antibacterial surfaces, sensing, batteries, etc. Large scale applications of Si depend on their fabrication. In this article, we summarize the most commonly used fabrication techniques for Si and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords:  Silicon, Nanowires, Bottom-up, Growth, Top-down


Materials Innovations (MI) is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to significant experimental and theoretical findings on the synthesis, structure, charachterization, processing and applications of materials. Materials Innovations is dedicated to publishing peer reviewed novel, cutting edge reports of broad interest to the materials science community.



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