Materials Innovations
Hexa Publishers


Vol 2 Issue 7

Materials for Wearable Sensors

Mudassir Abbas, Mirza Nadeem Ahmad, Tajamal Hussain, Adnan Mujahid

Pages: 188-193

  Doi:  10.54738/MI.2022.2702

  Doi URL:

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Wearable sensors are the technology of the future and will become an integral part of daily life. These sensors can monitor the physical activities and biochemical information of an individual, organ functions, and environmental changes. A wearable sensor may comprise a sensing element, electrodes, substrate, power unit and data processing unit. Selectivity, sensitivity and reliability of a wearable sensor depend on the sensing element, electrodes and substrate, which can be designed/fabricated with a suitable material. A variety of materials including carbon materials, conductive polymers, metal oxides, metals, elastomers, and nanomaterials have been used depending on the applications of the sensor. In this review, we will summarize the recent developments regarding the use of advanced materials for applications in wearable sensor technologies.

Keywords:  Sensing materials,Substrate materials ,Electrode materials ,Wearable sensors


Materials Innovations (MI) is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to significant experimental and theoretical findings on the synthesis, structure, charachterization, processing and applications of materials. Materials Innovations is dedicated to publishing peer reviewed novel, cutting edge reports of broad interest to the materials science community.



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